Guidance & Counseling
The purpose of the school counseling program is to promote, enhance, and ensure the education, and post-secondary readiness of all students. School counselors are vital members of the educational team and work collaboratively with stakeholders to assist in meeting the needs of students while accomplishing the vision of Spring ISD. School counselors are certified/licensed professionals with a masters’ degree or higher in school counseling or the substantial equivalent. Spring ISD school counselors have a system-wide impact on the educational system because of the varying and multifaceted roles assigned to them. These roles include but are not limited to, academic guidance and planning, self-advocacy, enhancement of student achievement and promoting equity and access to opportunities while safeguarding the rights of all.
Additionally, school counselors offer responsive services such as peer support groups and referrals to outside agencies and community resources. These services benefit not only students but also their families, peers and the communities in which they live.
Campus school counselors welcome and encourage parents to make an appointment and visit with their child's personal school counselor to learn about student achievement, academic options, graduation plans, and all the exciting opportunities available in Spring ISD.

Contact Us
Crystal Collins, PhD
Director, Guidance and Counseling and Mental Health
School Leadership and Support Services Department
Spring ISD-Gordon M. Anderson Leadership Center
1616 Ella Blvd. Houston, TX 77090
Assistant To Crystal Collins, PhD