Instructional Technology

What is Blended Learning?
Unlike the concurrent and hybrid learning models experienced during the beginning of the pandemic, blended learning is a formal education program that integrates learning experiences from the traditional classroom.
Welcome to the Spring ISD Instructional Technology Website
Instructional Technology is the use of technology in the instructional processes that enhances both teaching and learning. It infuses instructional design, development, evaluation, and management of processes and resources that enhance the learning experience. As a team, we continuously strive to create engaging, effective learning experiences using available technological tools and providing support by developing resources and hands-on opportunities for equitable student outcomes as we collaborate with others across the district.

Headlines & Features
Google Academies
Gain confidence and become more proficient integrating technology in every area of instruction when you attend a Google Academy!
Blended Learning Innovator Designation
The Instructional Technology team is excited to support this project and provide professional development, hands-on solutions, and readily available resources to help the innovator campuses achieve success for all scholars.
Contact Us
Spring ISD
16717 Ella Blvd.
Houston, TX 77090
Phone 281-891-6157
Instructional Technology Director
Kevin Holiday
Email Kevin Holiday
Instructional Technology Specialist
Jessica Jackson
Email Jessica Jackson
Instructional Technology Specialist
Ryan Causey
Email Ryan Causey